Adam Bakhtiar

Product Specialist

I find Aramar to be a unique organisation. I've worked in bigger organisation before, but I feel Aramar's culture is suitable for me to grow my skillset and knowledge. Aramar gives me opportunities to develop and take on bigger roles than my previous organisations. Also, we are consistently learning as an organisation, and I feel we are getting better every year. I've worked in many countries before I came to the UK big and small organisations alike. Worked in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Indonesia, thus I enjoyed different work cultures. Throughout my career I am leaning towards project-oriented jobs. I like the challenges that are brought by different projects.

I like to work in a collaborative team. I know my weaknesses and my strengths well, so I know when to give and when to ask for help. I don’t particularly like too formal relationships with clients. I take my job seriously, but I like my client relationships to be casual but respectful.

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