Envizi with Planning Analytics

IBM software helps organisations to deliver on their ESG reporting responsibilities, to identify and understand dependencies and impact across their operation, and to plan a strategy to deliver on their ESG KPIs and goals.

IBM Envizi, combined with Planning Analytics, helps companies incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their strategic planning. Using IBM’s advanced analytics, businesses can meet ESG reporting requirements and better understand how these factors affect their operations.

ESG Reporting with IBM Envizi

Stakeholders are increasingly focusing on companies’ Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance.

To meet these demands, IBM’s Envizi ESG Suite simplifies the collection, consolidation, management, and analysis of diverse ESG data sources. This modular solution enables clients to establish a unified data foundation, meet stakeholder reporting requirements efficiently, and enhance decarbonisation efforts through data-driven insights.

ESG reporting is crucial for businesses, but unlike financial reporting, ESG reporting lacks a standardised format, leading to confusion with various frameworks and complex data calculations. Managing numerous ESG disclosures and engaging multiple stakeholders becomes challenging, even with a solid ESG data foundation.

Empowering ESG Excellence

IBM Envizi ESG Suite addresses these challenges by streamlining ESG data management and reporting. It provides a centralised platform for accessing all ESG performance data and maintaining an emissions factor engine.

With this integrated solution, companies can easily report to various frameworks such as ESRS to support CSRD, SASB, GRI, and TCFD, using a single repository of information. Streamlining ESG processes with IBM Envizi supports effective reporting and aligns with evolving stakeholder expectations.

In summary, the IBM Envizi ESG Suite goes beyond reporting, empowering organisations to proactively improve their ESG performance. With advanced analytics, businesses can identify improvement areas, set impactful sustainability goals, and track progress. Embracing Envizi’s capabilities positions companies as industry leaders, supporting resilience and positive relationships with stakeholders prioritizing ESG initiatives.

IBM Planning Analytics for Sustainability Planning and Analysis

Go beyond simply reporting on sustainability measures. IBM Planning Analytics allows you to break down targets, predict and simulate future emissions and consumption, and plan for better outcomes. With the support of AI, you can optimise decisions on future activities and spending, balancing sustainability targets with cost on the journey to net zero emissions.

Why Aramar?

Analyse and visualise your goals and indicators: Meet your Sustainability Goals and KPIs

Covering Scope 1, Scope 2, or Scope 3, IBM Planning Analytics provides real-time data to all stakeholders in one secure collaborative planning and analysis platform. You can conduct emission planning and simulation, run optimisation models, and carry out performance simulations to help meet sustainability goals and KPIs.

IBM Planning Analytics is an integrated solution with built-in modelling and AI capability that supports planning, analysis, and optimisation of sustainability data as part of an integrated planning process.

Analyse and visualise your goals and indicators in the context of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a modern and customizable workspace.

Our Services

Strategic Insights: Analysing and Visualising Sustainability Goals and KPIs for Goal Achievement

ESG Excellence

Model your ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) targets & goals (top-down/bottom-up) and analyse deviations against your actual data.

Create & Manage

Create & manage initiatives and corrective actions to meet set targets.

Sustainable Success

Link sustainability results and ESG performance to financial indicators.

Greening the Chain

Incorporate ESG data into the supply chain planning process –optimizing procurement decisions for GHG and ESG objectives.

Unveiling the Success Story of Nukissiorfiit’s Budgeting and Forecasting Transformation

Discover in-depth details on how IBM’s software assistance led Nukissiorfiit to achieve a heightened level of precision in their budgeting and forecasting processes, unravelling the intricacies of the strategies implemented and the transformative impact on their financial management.

Read the full article on IBM’s website

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