Many organisations still use Excel to collect financial data, collate and manipulate it to produce the monthly and annual financial management and statutory reports. It is cheap, very flexible, and in the hands of an expert can be used to generate quite sophisticated outputs. But as they grow, Excel models become cumbersome and in danger of collapse, integrity is questionable because errors are hidden, and the ability to respond to business changes is limited. Excel also tends to create a dependency on the person who developed the model. Reliance on Excel for financial reporting is not only inefficient, but it also represents a significant business risk.

How can we help you achieve better financial reporting?

We help a lot of customers to migrate from Excel models to IBM Business Analytics solutions.

IBM Planning Analytics is often first choice because it provides high quality reporting and dashboards via web or Excel interfaces, processes data rapidly and recalculates as quickly as any spreadsheet. Your model can be built bespoke to your requirements, or by deploying our Fast Financials pre-built model, you can fast-track your project to replace Excel.

For more complex consolidation requirements we recommend Cognos Controller, which can be teamed with Planning Analytics to deliver both large-scale financial consolidation and reporting, analysis and planning.

Fast Financials

Fast Financials is Aramar’s out the box solution for Financial Consolidation, Reporting, Cash Flow and Planning that gets you up and running within days.

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